
Translating Idioms in Political Discourse: Translation Strategies and Semantic Categories




idioms, political interviews, semantic category, translation strategy


This study examines the Arabic translation of 165 English idiomatic expressions in political interviews in terms of Baker’s translation strategies (2018) and investigates the deployment of idiomatic expressions in terms of semantic category based on Fernando (1996) and Kovacs (2016). The corpus of the study consists of 17 political interviews conducted in English by King Abdullah II from 2013 to 2023 and translated officially into Arabic. The results show that the paraphrasing strategy accounts for more than half the data (56.36%), followed by the strategies of ‘similar meaning but different form’ (23.63%) and ‘similar meaning and form’ (15.15%), while the omission strategy comes last at (4.84%). The analysis indicates that although the overall quality of the translation is acceptable, there are a few cases where the emotiveness of the idiomatic expressions and the appropriate genericity are underestimated. In terms of semantic category, the results reveal that the degree of opaqueness/transparency is a determining factor for choosing the translation strategy, viz., the paraphrasing strategy accounts for (82.69%) in translating opaque/semi-opaque idiomatic expressions against only (27.69%) in transparent/semi-transparent ones. The study concludes that much attention should be paid to the sensitive nature of the degree of emotiveness in idioms and the relevant generic constraints

Author Biographies

Odai Almrayat , Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan


Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan


Mohammed Farghal, Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan

Full Professor of English Language and Linguistics

Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan

MEU Research Unit, Middle East University, Amman, Jordan


Ahmad S Haider, Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan

Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics

MEU Research Unit, Middle East University, Amman, Jordan

Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan



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Date of Publication


How to Cite

Almrayat , O., Farghal, M., & Haider, A. S. (2024). Translating Idioms in Political Discourse: Translation Strategies and Semantic Categories. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies.



Table of Contents
Received 2024-01-27
Accepted 2024-07-15
Published 2024-07-15

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