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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 11-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.،
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • I do not have a submission which is still under review.
  • I am not a coauthor of a submission which is still under review.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines and Publication Fees


Length of manuscript


  1. Articles should normally be in the range of 4000-7000 words. Authors who exceed this word limit will have to pay an extra publication processing fee. 
  2. Book reviews should be in the range of 500-750 words. 
  3. Notes, Discussions and Scoping Reviews should normally be no longer than 2000 words. No abstract is required for such pieces of writing. 



A short abstract of up to 200 words should appear on the first page in regular font. The Abstract should be followed by a line showing Keywords followed by a colon (no more than 6 words, alphabetically arranged and set off with a comma, each starting with a small letter unless it is a proper noun).


Submission of manuscript

Submissions to IJAES should not have been published previously, nor should they be under consideration for publication elsewhere in any form. To submit a manuscript, follow the following steps:

  1. Go to Make a new submission
  2. Upload a minimum of two files, namely, (1) Title page file, and (2) Anonymous manuscript file

Title page file: title of manuscript, author(s), specifying the corresponding author, affiliation, country, ORCID No., mobile No., academic rank (Assistant, Associate, Adjunct, Full Professor, Lecturer, MA/PhD student), and email

The anonymous manuscript file (no mention of author related information) should adhere fully to IJAES Author Guidelines. Check the metadata of the file (file properties), removing any mention of author name. This is the text that will be used for our blind reviewing process.


Important note. Submissions should also be formatted particularly titles, headings, subheadings, tables, in-text referencing, and list of references according to Author Guidelines. This is a prerequisite for considering the submission for initial screening by the in-house committee. Failure to do so may lead to desk rejection.

Once a submission has been completed, the manuscript will be screened by our in-house editorial committee. On the basis of the committee's report, we usually proceed with the peer-review process, or reject it within two weeks; if the decision is to 'proceed', we usually come to a decision within three months. The reviewers provide their feedback on the manuscript by filling in a detailed review report which also has a descriptive component. While important consideration is given to reviewers' feedback, the final decision to publish articles in IJAES rests with the Editor-in-Chief.


Contributors are kindly requested to observe the following:

  1. Use Times New Roman regular font size 11 for the body of the article and font size 10 for the abstract.

Headings and subheadings should appear in bold. Only the initial word should start with a capital letter except for proper nouns.

  1. Please upload two Microsoft formatted files:

Title page.doc, and Anonymous manuscript.doc



Authors are requested to observe the conventions listed below.


  • Please give full bibliographical details of references and list them in alphabetical order, following the style of the examples given below.
  • Do not put the manuscript, tables, and/or references in a box. Don’t use a box design for them or anything even if the borders are not shown.
  • Check the internet reference and update before submission if it still exists.
  • Use Justify for the whole text including references.
  • Use the abbreviations MA and PhD for Thesis and Dissertation.
  • Only references mentioned in the text should appear in the list of references at the end of the article (References).
  • Long quotes (40 words and above) appear on a separate text with high hang indentation at 0.5 inch



  • Author’s surname should be followed by comma and first name (and full points) in bold. Initials of first names are used only if they appear as such on the original work.
  • Spell out first names of authors and editors where known.
  • For books with more than one author, the first names and/or initials come first on second, third, etc. authors.
  • Date is enclosed between parentheses followed by a full point.
  • Authors with two books in same year should be labelled a and b (immediately after date, no space: e.g. 1991a).
  • Book titles (in Times New Roman) should be in italic; main words have initial capitals including subtitles.



Little, Arthur L., Jr. (2000). Shakespeare’s Jungle Fever: National-Imperial Revisions of Rape, Race and Sacrifice. Stanford: Stanford UP.

Sperber, Dan and Deirdre Wilson. (1986). Relevance: Communication and Cognition. Oxford: Blackwell.



  • Titles of journal articles should appear in Times New Roman with single inverted commas.
  • First word only has initial capitals except for proper names.
  • Full point after final inverted comma.
  • If an entry is a paper from an edited collection, put the title in Roman with single inverted.
  • Journal titles are in italic; main words have initial capitals.
  • Please check that all details have been included: volume, issue (if available), page numbers.
  • Provide DOI for articles if available.



Al-Aqarbeh, Rania. (2022). ‘Reconstruction in Jordanian Arabic relative clauses: An experimentally-based syntactic account’. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 22(2): 1–24.

Farghal, Mohammed and Abdulla Shakir. (1994). ‘Kin terms and titles of address as relational social honorifics in Jordanian Arabic’. Anthropological Linguistics, 36 (2): 240-253.

Hamdan, Jihad M., Randa S. Naser and Hady J. Hamdan. (2021). ‘Arabic-English translation in the 

Palestinian-Israeli ‘conflict’: Ideology in the wings’. SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation, 14 (2): 80-96.

Orkin, Martin. (1987). ‘Othello and the plain face of racism’. Shakespeare Quarterly, 38: 166-188.

Sapir, Edward. (1929). ‘The status of linguistics as a science’. Language 5:207–14. Reprinted in David Mandelbaum (ed.), Selected Writings of Edward Sapir, 160– 66. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1949.

Edited books 

  • If an edited book is referred to several times, put the full details as a separate entry with just authors and dates elsewhere; however,
  • If it is referred to only once, put the full details with the entry for the paper.



Batchelor, John (ed.). (1995). The Art of Literary Biography. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Kuiper, Nicholas A. and Rod A. Martin. (2010). ‘Is sense of humor a positive personality characteristic?’ In Willbard Ruch (ed.) The Sense of Humor:  Explorations of a Personality Characteristic, 159-178. Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Moon, Rosamund. (1998). 'Frequencies and forms of phrasal lexemes in English'. In Anthony Cowie (ed.), Phraseology: Theory, Analysis, and Applications, 79-100. Oxford: OUP.



Zabin, Aseel. (2013). The acquisition of metaphoric expressions by Jordanian EFL Learners.

Unpublished MA Thesis, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.


Internet sources

Little, David. (2009). The European language portfolio: Where pedagogy and assessment meet. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, Language Policy Division. Document DGIV EDU Lang (2009).

  1. (Retrieved on 14 March, 2015).


Bibliographical references in the text

  • References are to be made in the text by giving in parentheses the name of the author, year of publication, and, where relevant, the page(s) referred to: (Setecka 2004:5-18). If the author’s name is part of the text, use the form: Setecka (2004:11) maintained that . . . .
  • No comma between author’s name and date.
  • Separate works referred to in the same parentheses should be in chronological order: (Whitney 1867; Hymes 1981). Separate them with semicolons as follows: (Fisiak 1985; Wenden 1986; Swain 1995). Initials should be used before an author’s name only when an article refers to more than one author with the same surname: (J. Hamdan and H. Hamdan 2020:39)
  • When a work written by more than two authors is referred to, all names should be given in the first citation: (Weinreich, Labov and Herzog 1968). In later citations, use an abbreviated form: (Weinreich et al. 1968).
  •  When a work is written by four authors or more, use first author’s surname followed by et al., e.g. Robinson et al.: (2020) reported. . . But keep all names of authors in the list of references.
  • If more than one work was published in the same year, list these alphabetically by author’s name as follows: (Farghal 1985; Fisiak 1985; Asfour 1994; Bakir 1994; Atari 2004; Malzahn 2004)


Headings and subheadings

  • Headings should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals and so should subheadings (e.g.2.1.1; 2.2.1; 2.3.1; etc.), no full point after the last number (e.g. 2.2.1). Note that no more than three layers of subheadings below a heading. For instance, a subheading like is not allowed.
  • In headings and subheadings first word only has initial capitals except for proper nouns.



  • Short notes can appear in the text within brackets.
  • There will be no footnotes on individual pages.
  • Longer notes should be collected together at the end of the article as Endnote(s) and should appear before References. Please number notes consecutively; use Arabic numerals and give clear superscript numbers in the appropriate places.


Tables and figures

Tables and Figures should be inserted in the text. A separate file is also useful. Each Table and Figure should be clearly labeled with a number and a caption. They should be numbered Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., ending with a full point. The title of a table, legend, should appear on top of the table; the title of a figure should appear at the bottom of the figure). Further, they should be in regular font and should take the form of sentence structure, with the first word capitalized in addition to proper nouns, not followed with a full point.

  • Texts within the table should appear on the left not centered.
  • Content of tables should not be bold or shaded.
  • If you have only one table or one appendix, do not use number one neither as a word nor a number.
  • As much as possible, avoid splitting tables over two pages. Fill any space with text.
  • The maximum number of tables is 8.
  • Do not use the word below or above with tables; use numbers, i.e., do not say: “the table below or above”, but say: “Table (1) or (2), etc.”
  • Tables should never stretch out over text margins.





                                              Figure 1. Interrelated variables in SLT (Santrock 2013:7)

If you use the word Example in the text, do not follow it with a colon.



Only IPA symbols are allowed.


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