Exploring the Dynamic Interplay of Personality, Language Learning Strategies, and Environment in Indonesian EFL Learners' Success
EFL learners, elementary school students, learners' personalities, learning environment, learning strategiesAbstract
Indonesian EFL learners are diverse in personalities, choices of language learning strategies (LLSs), learning environments, and many others, which may influence their success in EFL learning and performance. Considering the diversities, two elementary school students (ESSs) studying at a private Islamic elementary school (PIES) surpassed other participants from many schools in some English Olympiads around East Java, Indonesia. Hence, the present study was aimed at delving into the stories of two successful EFL learners in an Islamic elementary school in Bojonegoro, East Java, Indonesia. To gather the data, documentation on the participants' achievements artifacts (i.e., certificates, trophies, and medals) and semi-structured interviews to dig deeper into their EFL learning strategies to achieve success were conducted. The participants were requested to read the article draft to validate the data. Prior to the data gathering, both participants signed a letter of consent. The results revealed that each possessed distinct personalities that influenced their choices of EFL LLSs. These LLSs were boosted by the family and learning environment motifs, which further brought them to participate in and win the English Olympiads. Henceforth, it urges surroundings to aid ESSs in understanding their personalities, accommodates their LLSs, and provides a motivating environment.
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