
Metaphors They Kill by: Dehumanization of Palestinians by Israeli Officials and Sympathizers




cognition, dehumanization, genocide, metaphor, political discourse, social psychology


Within the cognitive paradigm, metaphors are said to play a key role “not just in language but in thought and action” (Lakoff and Johnson 1980: p. 3). As a form of action, genocide in recent human history has been incited by metaphor, with Holocaust Jews as “parasites” (Musolff 2010), Iraqis as “rapists” (Lakoff 1991), Rwandan Tutsis as “cockroaches” (Hintjens 1999; Mowarin 2014), Bosnians as “Islamic fundamentalists” (Karčić 2022), etc. The aim of the present study is to investigate the ongoing genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip by bringing political ideology to bear on cognition both in thought and action (Gibbs 2017). In particular, it will be shown that the conceptual metaphor politics is religion (Charteris-Black 2004) in the Christian Zionists’ in-group’s socio-cultural cognition, acts in tandem with and motivates the “animalized dehumanization” (Sevillano and Fiske 2023) of Palestinians. Such an ideology, which is tainted by psychological essentialism (Leyens et al. 2001) of the Jews supremacy, is instrumentalizing the deliberate, superordinate conceptual metaphor (Steen 2023) humans are animals and other basic-level metaphors such as Palestinians are rats, ants and cockroaches, therefore stripping the Palestinian outgroup of their humanity (Leyens et al. 2000; Leyens et al. 2003; Haslam 23.2.2024, 2006; Haslam, Loughnan and Sun 2011; Harris and Fiske 2011) in order to legitimize the Palestinian genocide. Animalized dehumanization, which is a blue print for genocide, will be accounted for using Lakoff and Johnson’s (1980, 1999) Conceptual Theory of Metaphor together with Lakoff and Turner’s (1989) Great Chain of Being Metaphor.   

Author Biographies

Zouheir A. Maalej, King Saud University (Retired) & Independent Researcher from Tunisia

Professor Zouhair Maalej is specialized in cognitive linguistics and has authored numerous research papers and book chapters on topics including metaphor, metonymy, embodiment, and others. Formerly a professor at King Saud University in the KSA, he is now actively engaged as an independent researcher.

Aseel Zibin, The University of Jordan, Joradn

Corresponding Author

The University of Jordan, Jordan



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Date of Publication


How to Cite

Maalej, Z. A., & Zibin, A. (2024). Metaphors They Kill by: Dehumanization of Palestinians by Israeli Officials and Sympathizers. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies.



Table of Contents
Received 2024-02-23
Accepted 2024-06-23
Published 2024-06-23