“Till we meet again!”: The Synchronous Hybrid Teaching of English in Saudi Arabia





English language skills/EFL context, face-to-face, Online, students’ perceptions, synchronous hybrid teaching, teachers’ perceptions


This study explores the perceptions of Preparatory Year (PY) students and teachers at Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University regarding synchronous hybrid teaching. It also highlights the effectiveness of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) within the two modes of the hybrid system (i.e., face-to-face and online). The study employed a triangulation of instruments, including a survey, an interview and three focus groups (FGs). The findings show that each mode has its characteristics. While the students viewed hybrid teaching positively in terms of its logistics, finding it convenient and time-saving. However, they believed high-quality education could be better achieved in person as they understood and enjoyed face-to-face classes more than online learning. They also preferred the online mode for receptive skills and face-to-face interaction for productive skills. On the other hand, teachers found hybrid teaching challenging regarding technical issues and managing two groups (remote and in class) simultaneously. They expressed various views regarding the preferred mode of teaching English skills; some wished to abandon hybrid classes and teach all the skills in face-to-face mode. During the pandemic, hybrid teaching may have been the best option to continue teaching English effectively. However, after the pandemic, this method should be retained as a backup plan to reach students with disabilities and enrich advanced learners of English.  

Author Biographies

Gadah Sulaiman Almuarik, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics

Department of English Language, Deanship of Preparatory Year and Supporting Studies, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

Manal Abdulrahman Alangari, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

 Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics

Department of English Language, Deanship of Preparatory Year and Supporting Studies, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia


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Date of Publication


How to Cite

Almuarik, G. S., & Alangari, M. A. (2024). “Till we meet again!”: The Synchronous Hybrid Teaching of English in Saudi Arabia . International Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 24(2), 291–318. https://doi.org/10.33806/ijaes.v24i2.668



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