Advancing EFL Writing Proficiency in Jordan: Addressing Challenges and Embedding Progressive Strategies




AI in EFL writing, EFL writing difficulties, EFL writing instruction, EFL writing proficiency, grammatical competence, lexical knowledge, textual Coherence


Considering the critical role of writing in EFL contexts, this study sets out to examine the writing skills of Jordanian EFL students, addressing both the challenges they encounter and the potential strategies for enhancing their capabilities. To achieve this, the researchers implemented two distinct methods of data collection: a survey and semi-structured interviews. The survey data were analysed utilizing basic descriptive statistics, while the interview data were examined based on Braun and Clarke’s (2006) thematic analysis framework. The participants in this study included 150 Jordanian EFL students majoring in English language across three public universities, alongside eight experienced EFL writing instructors. The results revealed a set of writing challenges confronted by the students, such as the struggle to compose grammatically accurate and coherent text. These difficulties originated from a variety of factors, notably a deficiency in linguistic knowledge and a lack of motivation. Moreover, the study emphasized the crucial influence of the teaching process, which holds the potential to impact the students' writing proficiency either positively or adversely. To address the challenges in EFL writing, this study has outlined potential strategies, encompassing effective instruction, the enrichment of students' linguistic knowledge, the integration of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the encouragement of student motivation. Notably, the integration of AI tools emerges as a novel strategy with the potential to revolutionize teaching practices by offering personalized feedback and enhancing the learning experience. This research substantially contributes to the existing body of literature on EFL writing, revealing the specific challenges among Jordanian EFL students, and providing a comprehensive set of practical and innovative solutions for EFL writing instructors.

Author Biographies

Anas Hashem Alsariera, Fahad Bin Sultan University, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia


Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics

Fahad Bin Sultan University, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia

Email: /

Mohammad Yousef  Alsaraireh, Al-Balqa Applied University, Karak, Jordan

Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics

Al-Balqa Applied University, Karak, Jordan


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Date of Publication


How to Cite

Alsariera, A. H., &  Alsaraireh, M. Y. (2024). Advancing EFL Writing Proficiency in Jordan: Addressing Challenges and Embedding Progressive Strategies. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 24(2), 267–290.



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