Examining the Impact of a Digital Reading Progress Tool on Saudi L2 Learners’ Reading Aloud Performance and Proficiency





digital reading, English as a second language, reading aloud performance, reading proficiency, Saudi learners


: Few studies have considered the use of digital reading tools for improving the fluency and proficiency of Saudi learners of English as a second language (ESL). Hence, in this study, the researcher investigated the impact of Microsoft’s Digital Reading Progress tool on 30 Saudi ESL learners’ reading performance and proficiency. The participants were all at the B1 intermediate English language level in academic ESL, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) English language proficiency test. The students were given one reading passage per week, and the researcher examined their performance in reading aloud over a period of four weeks using the Digital Reading Progress tool. The researcher employed a quantitative analysis, including post-assessments, to measure five aspects of participants’ reading performance: mispronunciation of words, self-corrections, omissions, repetitions, and correct words per minute. The findings revealed significant improvements in participants’ reading performance, fluency, and accuracy, as evidenced by increased accuracy after engaging with the Digital Reading Progress tool, increased scores across the five rated categories, and reduced pronunciation and word omission errors. This study contributes to the growing body of research on technology-enhanced language learning by demonstrating the positive impact of the Digital Reading Progress tool on L2 learners’ reading performance and proficiency. The findings have practical implications for ESL instructors in integrating digital tools as valuable pedagogical resources for enhancing L2 reading learning and performance.

Author Biography

Nesreen Saud  Alahmadi, Tiabah University, Madina, Saudi Arabia

Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics

Tiabah University, Madina, Saudi Arabia



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Date of Publication


How to Cite

 Alahmadi, N. S. (2024). Examining the Impact of a Digital Reading Progress Tool on Saudi L2 Learners’ Reading Aloud Performance and Proficiency. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 24(2), 205–230. https://doi.org/10.33806/ijaes.v24i2.661



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