Exploring Attitudes, Identity, and Linguistic Variation among Arabic Speakers: Insights from Acoustic Landscapes





language attitudes, language behavior, language diversity, language flexibility, social identity


This study endeavors to delve into the diverse attitudes held by Arabic speakers towards dialects, language utilization, and pronunciation, while concurrently analyzing the impact of social identity on their language conduct. Adopting a qualitative research framework, the study employed open-ended questions to gather comprehensive data from a representative subset of proficient Arabic speakers. A broad spectrum of participants offered valuable insights into their attitudes toward dialects, perceptions regarding the imperative nature of attaining flawless Arabic proficiency, levels of linguistic adaptability, self-assurance in spoken Arabic, as well as the compelling influence of their social identities on pronunciation. The analysis of the gathered responses revealed appreciation among participants for the richness of dialectical diversity, which they perceived as a formidable strength. Paradoxically, these individuals also experienced considerable pressure to achieve an elusive standard of perfect Arabic proficiency, driven by the demanding expectations of work and social spheres. Additionally, participants exhibited some degree of flexibility in their approach to language use, manifesting varying levels of confidence in their Arabic speaking abilities. Significantly, the study uncovered a correlation between social identity and pronunciation patterns, illuminating how one's identity exerts a tangible influence on their linguistic articulation.  

Author Biographies

Awad Alshehri, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University

Associate professor of applied linguistics

College of Languages and Translation

Abdulrahman AlShabeb, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University

Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University, KSA


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Date of Publication


How to Cite

Alshehri, A., & AlShabeb, A. (2024). Exploring Attitudes, Identity, and Linguistic Variation among Arabic Speakers: Insights from Acoustic Landscapes. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 24(2), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.33806/ijaes.v24i2.587



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