Nature, Gender, and Resistance in Atwood's Surfacing and The Handmaid's Tale




ecofeminism, patriarchy, Margaret Atwood, oppression, Surfacing, The Handmaid's Tale


This study attempts to explain Margaret Atwood’s two famous novels Surfacing (1972) and The Handmaid’s Tale (1985) in reference to Ecofeminism. Women and nature are always celebrated with each other and wherever their position is absolutely neglected. As a result, the sterility of the society launches. Atwood selects females as the leading characters and ecological catastrophe in its contextual. Atwood knowledgeably syndicates in Surfacing and The Handmaid’s Tale the dual subjugation of nature and women that occurs in the two societies. The corruption of nature conveys extermination to the societies and develop a contributory dynamic of subjugation of women by patriarchal society. She clinches that the discrimination against women and nature is identical and thus liberation of women won’t be fruitful without an equivalent endeavor to liberate nature.

Author Biographies

Ridha’a Ali J., Shiraz University

Department of Foreign Languages and linguistics

School of Literature and Humanities

Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

Samira Sasani, Shiraz University

Associate Professor of English Literature

Department of Foreign Languages and linguistics

School of Literature and Humanities

Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


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Date of Publication


How to Cite

Ali J., R., & Sasani, S. (2024). Nature, Gender, and Resistance in Atwood’s Surfacing and The Handmaid’s Tale. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 24(2), 355–370.



Table of Contents
Received 2023-08-22
Accepted 2024-03-21
Published 2024-06-06