Arabic Teaching Efficacy Model (ATEM): A Language Teaching Model Design




Arabic, ATEM, self-efficacy (S-e)


This study investigates the role of self-efficacy (S-e) in teaching Arabic and proposes a model for teaching that encompasses teaching goals, materials, and strategies. The study draws on Bandura's scientific works and other studies that develop S-e theory. The model is developed based on the characteristics of the materials that promote the growth of S-e in students, using three different methods. The resulting Arabic Teaching Efficacy Model (ATEM) improves objective thinking, critical thinking, responsiveness, and student persistence through active mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion from others, social recognition, and reinforcement of physiological and affective aspects. ATEM recommends themes such as Science and technology, What do you think?, I can speak arabic, I speak arabic every day, What is your experience?, Other people's experiences, and Respect for others as teaching materials. Additionally, ATEM suggests teaching strategies such as social modeling, social persuasion, additional feedback, and group work. 

Author Biographies

Riko Andrian , Islamic University of Kerinci, Indonesia

Department of Arabic Language Teaching

Islamic University of Kerinci, Indonesia

Widiya Yul , Islamic University of Kerinci, Indonesia

Department of Arabic Language Teaching

Islamic University of Kerinci, Indonesia


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Date of Publication


How to Cite

Andrian , R., & Yul , W. (2023). Arabic Teaching Efficacy Model (ATEM): A Language Teaching Model Design. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 23(2), 369–384.



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